Great Reset versus Great Awakening 



The Great Reset and all measures / legislation that are being rolled out worldwide are intended to stop the Great Awakening. By sowing fear and division, those in power try to ensure that we do not reach a high frequency and thereby manifest a new world.

Because the collective frequency is increasing, governments are forced to implement their measures much faster than desirable. We are entering a chaotic time in which everyone will befaced with difficult choices.

Total Control / Secret Societies


The Great Reset aims for total control. Its implementation - consciously or unconsciously - involves a large group of people who mainly work for international organizations, NGOs, governments, etc. One of the goals is to drastically reduce the world population because fewer people are easier to control. hold a large group of people.

This conversation from Reiner Fuellmich with someone who worked for the United Nations for years paints a good picture of how the Great Reset is being implemented from the top down: Secrets of the United Nations.

To achieve the goal of total control, various secret societies are active within our society. This presentation "The secrets behind the secret societies" by Prof. Walter Veith clearly shows that all these societies are linked to each other and that they all work according to the principle of double deception.

The highest lodges within the various secret societies have secret knowledge and unlimited financial resources; Over the past centuries they have infiltrated all places of power to such an extent that they actually form the “world government” in the background. They use people who are willing to sell their heart and soul to gain a lot of prestige during this life. They have chosen to participate in Satanic rituals or have done other things that make them blackmailable.

William Guy Carr

- Satanic New World Order

The Satanic agenda since 1776 by Admiral Carr

1895 - 1959. He had a distinguished career as a Canadian naval officer, including outstanding service during World War II; in that time he worked also for the Canadian Intellegence Service.

After 1931 he began to give lectures about the plan within secret societies for a new world order. Creating three world wars was an important part of realizing this plan.
He has written several books about this plan. His last book “Satan” was posthumously edited and published by his eldest son based on the manuscript and notes he had left behind.

The transhuman human


The implementation of the Great Reset is being driven in the background by a small group of people for whom the Great Reset is merely a means to nip the process of the Great Awakening in the bud. To stop the Great Awakening, the goal (of the Deep State) is mainly to cut people off from their souls and make them transhuman so that their behavior can be controlled via AI. In this way, their life energy can continue to be drained endlessly. If many people die during the implementation of the Great Reset, this is not a goal in itself for the Deep State, but more “collateral damage”.


Quantum computer


Because more light is now coming to earth and more people are waking up, the great reset will gain momentum. Meanwhile, the Deepstate is developing a “quantum computer”; Artificial Intelligence (AI) that will surpass humans in every way.

Fortunately, there are people who warn against this development. After all, a warned person counts for two.

Infinite Waters; The quantum computer takeover

What is coming our way now is ultimately intended to make us aware again that there is no difference between me and the other. The challenge is to shape unity consciousness together in a dual world by jointly (continuing to) choose love and not fear.

Balance male and female side


And now it's time for a personal note. When I went to primary school as a boy, I felt a clear desire to be allowed to wear a skirt too. At the time it was unthinkable to even raise such a thing; this was clearly taboo. Boys were especially taught to ignore their feelings; not to cry. not to express anger, etc. My desire was completely snowed under in no time and was erased from my memory.

Christina von Dreien indicates in the book “The vision of the good” on page 157 (Dutch transl.):

“Spirituality encompasses the feminine aspects, the inner connection with the divine, the soft energy and the lived oneness. Cross-thinking represents the masculine aspect, the active energy, the changing component. Cross-thinking means being critical of the prevailing structures, being more empowered, and seeing through the system with a new form of knowledge and freedom. Spirituality is therefore the vertical connection, while cross-thinking is the horizontal connection.”


When, at the age of 60, I decided to start practicing “Not judging myself and others”, the desire cherished by the boy at the time came to the surface again. In the image of my father, I had developed into an insecure man who was not in his strength and who feared authority. In order to physically express the desire to express the feminine part in myself, I had to learn to step into my masculine power again, i.e. I had to rebalance the balance between the masculine and feminine part in myself. In the course of the process, I got two animal totems: the bison and the eagle, but that's another story...


A while back Kerry K came up with the message Sacred sexuality in which she explains that the elements of Fire and Water represent feminine energy and the elements Earth and Air represent masculine energy. Seen in this way, I had chosen my totem animals well: the bison as an earth sign to keep my energy focused on the earth and to stand for who I am and the eagle as an air sign to remain the observer in my own frequency and to express myself. to be guided by (self) love and not by fear.


Men are given the message from an early age to stay away from their feminine side; the spiritual, the supple, the flowy, the dancing; the elements Water and Fire; the heart. Naturally, this imbalance in masculine and feminine energy is reflected in the way things are going in our society; the way we interact and how we treat each other.

It should be noted that the element Fire, our divine spark, cannot burn properly if there is a lack of Air, while too much Water means that Fire cannot or can hardly be ignited. The Earth element is necessary to maintain and possibly restore the balance between the 4 elements.


And then I come to the reason for going into this in such detail. From the great awakening there is a movement to find the balance between the male and female side again and then to shape it yourself. The Great Reset put Woke in the world to thwart this movement by misleading people.

In plaats van minder hokjes zijn er nog wat hokjes bijgemaakt die ook nog eens ten opzichte van elkaar tegenstrijdige belangen hebben. Tot op het hoogste niveau is het beleid erop gericht het seksualiseren van kinderen te normaliseren. Als iemand mij destijds had wijsgemaakt dat ik met het verlangen om een rok te dragen eigenlijk meer een meisje was, dan was de kans groot geweest dat ik daarin was meegegaan. Kinderen zijn nog aan het ontdekken en moeten dit in alle vrijheid kunnen doen zonder sturing van bovenaf.

Instead of fewer boxes, some additional boxes have been created that also have conflicting interests. Up to the highest level, the policy is aimed at normalizing the sexualization of children. If someone had told me back then that I was more of a girl with the desire to wear a skirt, chances are I would have gone along with it. Children are still discovering and should be able to do this in complete freedom without direction from above.

For now, however, I would like to say that Woke's goal is to make people lose their way by giving them the idea that their gender identity forms the basis of what defines them as human beings and that the sex they were born into does not matter.


Finally, this beautiful Bible text from the Thomas Gospel in which Jesus says:

If you make the two into one

and if you make the inner as the outer

and the outer as the inner,

and the above as below,

and if you make the masculine and feminine into one

so that the male will not be male and the female will not be female…

…then you will enter the Kingdom.


It goes without saying that it is up to everyone to interpret this in their own way. Keep in mind that it's about the inner balance between your feminine and masculine side. The physical appearance is ultimately totally irrelevant.

And for those who don't like the Biblical term "Kingdom", you can also replace it with the word "Wholeness". Entering the Kingdom is linked to the opening of the crown chakra; the crowning achievement of the quest for a fulfilled life!”

Creating division - Unity consciousness


Let me start with a sentence from an oral “Warriors of the rainbow" prophecy passed on at this time:

“There will come a day when people of all races, colors, and creeds will put aside their differences. They will come together in love, joining hands in unification, to heal the Earth and all her children. They will move over the Earth like a great Whirling Rainbow, bringing peace, understanding and healing everywhere they go.”


That is the direction we are heading as humanity; the unity consciousness. Seen in that light, it is not that difficult to view everything that currently further divides us within our society in the right light: Black Lives Matter (BLM); White supremacy; Uncontrolled immigration; Focus on climate change instead of environmental pollution, Woke etc.


The great reset policy is imposed from above; a world government. A small group of people controls (within secret societies) the world. People's behavior can be steered in the desired direction via a programmable basic income.

However, connection can only flourish from the bottom up on a voluntary basis within communities. Yes, there will also be a basic income here, but only to ensure that no one is deprived.


When I was about 20 years old, I delved into the culture and history of the North American Indian tribes because of a deeply felt connection. They suffered the same fate as other indigenous peoples who treated “mother earth” with respect. No other option was offered than assimilation into Western “civilization”! Below are some photos from that period with books and Indian bead weaving that I made at the time. At that time the eagle was already a favorite design for me.

As I have become more aware, I realize that nothing has really changed. It just “sells” better. All the wars waged in recent years to “bring democracy” had to do with the hegemony of the dollar and access to raw materials. Sadat had a plan for Arab unity with an Arab currency linked to it and Gadafi wanted to achieve African unity with an African currency linked to it. Military units are still present in northern Syria to ensure that oil continues to flow to the US at the expense of the Syrian people. This nieuwsitem of Redacted News about how Cobalt is being mined in Congo by indigenous people shows that nothing has really changed. By using intermediaries, the big companies can wash their hands in innocence. 

This book from John Perkins was first published in 2004. The third edition of this book blows also the whistle on China’s economic hit man (EHM) strategy, exposes corruption on an international scale, and offers much-needed solutions for curing the degenerative Death Economy.

This book and short documentary  “Confessions of an economic hitman” makes it clear that it is no coincidence that “developing countries” do not develop!

Read further: Double deception.