This page includes the following topics:

The great awakening; from 3D to 5D



Society as we know it is in turmoil. More and more people are discovering that the world as they knew it no longer exists. Nice words turn out to be completely empty; the lie reigns. A lot of fear and division is sown from above. When you see through the lies, it can stir up some emotions. An understandable reaction is often that you would like to show others what you think is not right. But convincing someone else of something you see happening before your eyes suddenly turns out to be an impossible task. In practice, this mainly leads to resistance.


Right to a free choice


More light will come to Earth in the near future, causing more and more people to wake up and see the world as it really is.

However, they encounter the fact that each person can only make the choice for himself to no longer look away from what is happening in the world. After all, everyone has the right to a free choice whether or not to go along with the new times.


From 3D to 5D


A person's vibration frequency determines what he/she can perceive in the outside world; the level of consciousness. The frequency will continue to rise in the near future because the vibration frequency of the earth on which we live is also spiraling upward. This process is known as Schumann resonance and, at the level of awareness, leads to the process known in spiritual circles as: From 3D to 5D; from the third dimension to the fifth dimension.


The third dimension is the field of consciousness in which we grew up and have also undergone certain programming. Time is linear in 3D: past, present and future follow each other. We are so familiar with this that we cannot imagine that linear time only exists in the third dimension. In other, higher dimensions, time moves in a spiral. Present, past and future coexist here. When a person's level of consciousness (vibrational frequency) increases, it becomes possible to jump from the present to the past or future.


Multidimensional human


There have always been people on earth with a higher vibrational frequency who can perceive events in the past or in the future. People who remember past lives or people who can predict what will happen in the future. The Bible book Apocalypse about the End times is a good example of this. The multidimensional human who can travel through time and other dimensions.


Letting go of the ego


The transition we are currently in requires us to be more in the here and now and to let go of thoughts and beliefs about our past and our future. We may also let go of the identification with our built-up I / Ego: the person we think we are based on our memories, expectations, beliefs from previous experiences, trauma, etc. The thoughts of the self we think we are bring with them all kinds of emotions that we constantly project into the world.

When you begin to see through the illusion of the Matrix and become aware that you are not the self you have constructed, you can begin the process of letting go of this ego by practicing stepping out of judgment, both of yourself and of others. Over time you will discover how much peace it gives you internally not to have to fight everything. No longer answering anger with anger, but seeing that the other person holds up a mirror to you with the aim that you will investigate your triggers. What is it that is being touched in you? And if nothing is affected in you, making the choice to leave this with the other ...


Looking at your shadow


In this time of the great awakening, the purpose is to step out of the division. You can find something, but trying to convince others that you are right no longer really works anymore. Everyone has a choice to make where he stands, is entitled to his truth. It is much more important to turn inward and face your own shadows. With our creative capacity we collectively create our outside world; with your frequency you can influence this.

The Alchemist

How our consciousness is used to create reality

Mel Rentmeister

The future begins right now

Source / Universe


You will reconnect with the divine spark that resides in your heart and listen to what your feeling has to tell you. The great thing is that by going this path yourself you also help this change spread further into the world, because we are all connected from the same divine Source. When your frequency rises, the collective frequency of humanity also rises. That is putting your light into the world: acting as a beacon of light.


The Universe is an electrically / electromagnetically charged Quantum Field that is made up of Dark matter and Neutrinos. It is the Nothing that also contains "All that is". As long as all forces are symmetrical, they cancel each other out and the total force is zero. Neutrinos have a charge of zero, which means that they unite matter and antimatter within themselves. The quantum field consists of frequency, where each frequency carries information; in essence, this information field within the zero point contains "All that is". When you make contact with this field of consciousness, there is only Being. In spiritual circles, this field is also referred to as the Void.

Growing your own consciousness is linked to finding balance in your zero point consciousness. Imagine a lying figure 8 with the Dark energy part positioned on one side and the Light part on the other. In the center, the two parts Light and Dark are in balance with each other again.


By creating through your thoughts, feelings, intentions etc. from your heart through your connection with the Divine Source, you do not add any shadow to this earth and earth does not become further burdened. However, actions, thoughts, feelings, intentions, etc. that throw your zero point balance out of balance must be neutralized. For example, you can let go of a disturbing thought because you become aware that the thought is not yours, but comes from the archontic field. Or you acknowledge that you made a "mistake" and you decide to deal with it differently next time.. Or you see that you are worried about something in the future while you had intended to live only in this moment. By living in the Now, the highest potential is always lived.

Phil Good    The key to heaven

Neutrality   /   Self-love


It is important to operate from neutrality. If you are triggered by something, you can investigate within yourself what it is that is so affected in you, e.g. feeling unheard. The next step is to feel this through and let it go from the realization that the built-up self with associated beliefs, thoughts and associated emotions is not who you really are. We may let go of our 3D programming and return to who we really are: loving beings of light; with the wisdom gained in countless lives. Everything and everyone is connected through the divine spark.


It's about being in the moment; Presence where you are free from thoughts about your past and future. Being in the moment leaves no room for a middle ground. If you live from your heart, you can only do so on the basis of self love. As long as you don't choose for yourself completely, you are doing yourself and the world a disservice.


Mel Rentmeister

This will change the world; and most haven't understood this yet

Sarita Sol

Seeing in the darkness and holding the light - How to?


For more information: Spiritual Channels / Platforms


Read further:

Bernadette von Dreien


The first two parts of the Christina book series were written by Christina's mother, Bernadette von Dreien, and tell the beginning of her story: the special circumstances of her birth, her childhood, as well as the beginning of her work in public until the spring of 2018.

Christina von Dreien


Christina von Dreien (born 15 April 2001 in St. Gallen, Switzerland, as Christina Meier) was born with greatly expanded consciousness and a multitude of paranormal gifts. She thus belongs to a new generation of young people who give us an inkling of a completely new dimension of human existence. These trailblazers and impulse-givers have come to tell us of the true intrinsic worth and the greatness inherent in human beings and of how much positive potential lies dormant within each one of us. They show us how we can use the power of our consciousness and the power of unconditional love to transform our individual and collective lives in a healing and constructive manner.

Wolfram von Eschenbach

Parzival: The quest for the holy Grail


The deeper layer beneath the story:

All obstacles that come along Parzival's path have a hidden message within them that is accompanied by the invitation to continue to grow as a person. When Parzival finally overcomes the last obstacle on his path, he has walked the road that leads back to wholeness. He has found the Grail Cup!


The interconnected chakras together form the Grail Cup with the open crown chakra as the crowning achievement.

Invitation based on algorithm

December 2024

As humanity, we are engaged in a "war" for our consciousness. And yes, then it is obvious to set the algorithm in such a way that websites such as Bakens van licht and Beacons of light, which are about awareness, are not displayed in the search results.


I would therefore like to invite everyone with their own website to include a link to my website if you think that other people can benefit from the insights that I share via the two websites Bakens van licht and Beacons of light. In this way, the algorithm can be circumvented. After all, it is not for nothing that it is said about this time that everything will come to light.