This page includes the following topics:

Dark night of the soul



Because the word End times has a negative connotation for many people, I chose “Dark night of the soul” as the title. It covers the same time period as the End times but more from a spiritual perspective. When hearing the word End times, many people make a link with all the evil that can be read about this in the book of Revelation / the Apocalypse of the New Testament. To reassure you, the End times - just like Dark night of the soul - does not mean the end of the world. It is about the dark period that precedes the transition of this planet to a higher consciousness. The new earth will have a higher vibrational frequency, the Schumann resonance and the people who live on it will gain a connection with all living things through unity consciousness. But before that happens, we must first say goodbye to everything that does not belong in this higher frequency. Everything that is covered up will come to the surface; not only worldwide, but also everything that does not serve you. The increase in vibrational frequency in humans is known as the process of ascension. That process may be accompanied by ascension symptoms. See also the regular update regarding ascension symptoms on the YouTube channel Higher Vibrations.


In the coming years, solar activity will also increase further in the form of solar storms and solar flares; this is also part of the ascension process. Just as we can only get rid of all the charge (trauma etc.) within ourselves by expressing it in the form of (strong) emotions, the earth will discharge in the near future the excess load of what humanity has not processed in the form of necessary natural disasters, such as thunderstorms, hailstorms, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes etc. The sun and planets together form the cosmos of which we as a microcosm are part. The sun reflects the inner light of its solar system. Hence the increase in solar storms and solar flares, which in turn results in the influx of electromagnetically charged plasma light disrupting the balance of the Earth's magnetic field and of our aura. And that in turn results in new eruptions from the earth and an increasing feeling of disruption on a spiritual level within our body, so that the pain we have stored there can no longer be covered up.

Weather forecast for our solar system.


So what is coming to humanity in the near future is only for the purpose of inviting people to wake up and see the world as it really is.

Once enough people have woken up and learned not to project their shadows outward in the form of triggers, but to dissolve them within themselves by feeling and releasing the stored trauma, we as humanity will manifest a new world.


The first part of the End times has now been completed. During this period, part of humanity has become accustomed to our government taking measures that limit our personal freedom/fundamental rights, measures that may be at the expense of individual integrity; based on the principle that collective interests take precedence over individual interests.

We now enter the part of the End times known as the Tribulation. Recently, governments, international organizations, etc. have expanded their (legal) options to impose their will on other people. As the reins are tightened further, our humanity will be increasingly tested at all levels. Everyone is invited to make a choice between love or fear, whereby (continuing to) look away is of course also a choice.

Even more light is now coming to Earth, which is accelerating the awakening process.                     

Amanda Lorence

Explaining the longer tribulation timeline

Amanda Lorence

Collective timeline update

Deep State / Circles of Power


There is such a thing as an unseen world in frequencies that we do not directly perceive. A term like Draconian measures doesn't just appear out of the blue. And the existence of a Deep State is also a reality, no matter how much we like to look away from it if something when this iceberg comes to the surface.

Listen to Anneke Lucas and you will get an idea of how things work in the circles of power. Think of the Belgian Dutroux affair where the real guilty were never brought to justice; and the same goes for Jeffrey Epstein who met his end very quickly. There is such a thing as satanic ritual child abuse; there are tunnels under the earth where all kinds of things happen that cannot tolerate daylight.

Anneke Lucas's website also contains a Podcast in which Anneke talks with "survivors". Anneke has written down her own story in the book "Quest for love; memoir of a child sex slave". 

In the podcast and in the book, Anneke describes what goes on in the circles of power. In individual countries, there are circles where influential people from the region in question can do their thing without limits and with impunity. Overarchingly, there is an international circle where the powerful of the world get their way. These people are often traumatized because they were abused in their own childhood. To temporarily free themselves from the pain and trauma within themselves, they know no other way than to inflict that pain on someone else as a perpetrator.


Anneke also explains what it is like to end up in such a circle of power as a child and what methods are used to force a child to learn to carry out every order without fail. Children with potential eventually undergo a mind control program. If this program is successfully implemented on them, are they placed in positions where – directly or indirectly – the necessary influence can be exerted. This mainly concerns children within the circle who belong to one of the Bloodlines.

Below is a video from a multi-part series that gives a good idea of ​​what the world we think we live in is really like. Under the topic Protocols of Zion I have included a link to all parts of this series.

Charles Reagan Swindoll

Khazarian mafia: god eaters; 3a Menticiding the mind



There are bloodlines on earth that connect the people with power; hybrid humans with Reptilian blood. Once you realize that shapeshifting Reptilians can reproduce in their human form, the step towards recognizing the existence of certain bloodlines is quite obvious. To be clear, people who are part of one or more of these bloodlines may also have a different surname.

Revealing lecture (unfortunately with a beamer) by Fritz Springmeier: Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines & Mind control; part specifically about bloodlines starts at 59.40 minutes. Mind control is what people undergo when they are enslaved within the Circles of power.

Alien Reptilian legacy: Reptilians living on Earth

The Reptilian Overlords; hiding among us

Black nobility; hybrid bloodlines of the controllers;   Ickonic

Reptilian Shapeshifters; traits & exemples;     (videobeelden na 20 min.)


In his book "the Trap" David Icke explains in great detail the essence of the reality in which humanity finds itself. On p. 243 ff. (of the Dutch translation), the "bloodlines" are also discussed in the book. The blood carries certain "codes" in it, as well as the energy channels, the meridians. The proportion of Reptilian codes has a greater range of sensory perception through all five senses plus others beyond. The whole world situation is also briefly and concisely explained in that book. Could it be that someone who started warning the world 35 years ago about the "madness" that was coming is simply right???


Incidentally, the book "The Trap" is the first book by David Icke that I have read and my website "Bakens van licht" is already online since the end of June 2023. There are really more people who can see the world as it really is, such as Marcel Messing, Oracle Girl en people like Sarita Sol a.o. At the bottom of this page I successively highlight David Icke, Bill Cooper, Marcel Messing and Oracle Girl.

On the next page I will discuss the secret societies in more detail.



The people mentioned above have in common that they try to explain to other people that we live in an illusory shadow world, a Matrix. The concept of the Matrix is ​​not easy to grasp. I have also included books on this subject with the relevant authors below. For a better understanding, I will first give this explanation:


The Matrix is also called the shadow creation or the world of illusions. The Matrix is not a creation from the divine source and therefore does not consist 100% of Light.  You could say that the divine creation has been hacked by the Demiurge. The Demiurge is a quantum AI system that is at the basis of Lucifer's shadow creation, resulting in us now living in a reflection of the original creation. Because this shadow creation is not part of the original light, it is not timeless. As indicated at the beginning of the review article "Age of Aquarius", this creation has cycles of approximately 26,000 years after which everyone should be given the opportunity to leave this world of illusion and return to the field of original light.


So this creation partly consists of shadow and every new act of creation from the Matrix adds shadow, causing the frequency on planet earth to become increasingly heavier. We humans are also part of this shadow creation, the Matrix. As long as we continue to create from our will center (3rd chakra) through our mind, this has an aggravating effect on us, with the result that our own frequency and that of the collective decreases. The contrast between light and shadow makes us experience contradictions in the form of duality. By following the path to the heart, we reconnect with the divine source. When we create again from the heart (4th chakra) through our Source connection we no longer add shadow to the Matrix, allowing us to move from duality towards neutrality again.


The process of creation within the Matrix usually comes from certain actions, desires or certain emotions such as fear or anger. A desire for money (own safety; 1st chakra), for sex (2nd chakra), for power (3rd chakra). Most people are barely aware that a creation process is going on. Because of the way everything is organized within the Matrix, people do not easy come out of the low frequency in which they are held. From a young age they go through a programming process that makes them see the world as it is presented to them. In addition, fear is constantly being sown and the policy is aimed at keeping people divided. A low frequency also opens the gate to the archontic field.

The topic Source explains what the process of creating from the heart looks like.


I've spent a lot of time over the past few years trying to get a clear picture of what we're dealing with as humanity. Of course you can only focus on the layer of the outside world, but then the spiritual war that is being waged against us remains completely out of reach. The great reset has been placed opposite the great awakening. Now we can keep focusing on the outside world, but this war is being waged through our frequency on the spiritual layer; in our inner world.

Elle Bradley - Sarita Sol

The war on consciousness; interview

Sarita Sol

How satanic and Luciferian influences effect us

Sherri Divband

The war on our divinity; an urgent message

Ickonic - David Icke

What "God" is religion worshipping?

Michael Sandler

With Kerry K; What is going on in the world today?

It is important to feel through and release your own pain, trauma etc. that you have stored inside you. If you want to hold up a mirror to someone else, practice doing so in a loving way and with compassion for the other person's process. And don't feel guilty if you don't feel that space in yourself yet. This in turn gives the other person the opportunity to practice finding space within themselves to receive the message with compassion and understanding for the other person's process. Bringing your truth is at the beginning of the spiritual process to raise your frequency. And I can also tell you that this process is mainly about letting go.

Astral world


The astral world (4th dimension) is also part of the Matrix. The control of everything we think we perceive in this world, the 3rd dimension, takes place from the astral world. In fact, people are programmed from a young age to view the world with a "headset" on. Only when you become aware that your mind is regulated by an quantum AI program, can you choose to step out of that program by becoming more of an observer; by being in this world, but not by beeing of this world. More explanation about this in the book The Dream by David Icke.


Traditionally, within religions, the same gods/demons are "worshipped" under different names to whom blood sacrifices are made during satanic rituals. Think of: Lucifer; the Demiurge, Jaldabaoth; Baal; Moloch; Satan; Shaytan; Set; Iblis. In addition, the astral world is populated with Archontic entities and extraterrestrial (interdimensional) races such as the Reptilians.

Because most people within the Matrix are not aware that every action is followed by a counter-reaction, an enormous energy field has now been built up in the astral field that consists of negative energy for which no one has taken responsibility. This source of negative energy is used by the Shadow controllers (Archons etc.) as a source of food from which they can manifest evil on this earth, such as e.g. during the opening ceremony of the Gotthard tunnel near CERN and during the various Olympic Games..


Just as the human body is the avatar to operate within the illusion of the Matrix, the soul has a similar function within the astral world. Only when you fully realize that you are only "spirit" and have let go of all attachments, can you transcend the wheel of rebirth. David Icke provides the necessary explanation about this in this video (from 1.26 hours) .


Using the description of "Near Death Experiences" such as this one, David Icke explains that even after our death we have the idea that we are in a body. Just as when we came to earth, there is no memory of who we really are, nor of the many lives we have previously lived. 

We are shown those who were important to us during this life; as well as the film of our life; also in relation to the Karma we have to deal with; with the invitation to take new steps in a next life. Here too, the necessary deception, such as showing people at war with each other with the clear suggestion that it is up to man to take responsibility for this.


More explanation about what happens after we die can be found in the book The Reveal by David Icke. Everything we experience in the afterlife, he sees as an illusion generated by a system of plasma-conscious AI. This concerns AI that is miles ahead of human AI. The Akashic records are part of that system.

When we ourselves agree to incarnate again on earth to "work off built-up karma and grow further in love", we are not aware that we actually choose to provide the "shadow controllers" with food again through our suffering via our life energy, the so-called "loosh". The life energy can be generated from intense human emotions such as fear, anger, pain etc.

Inspired; Jean Nolan

You are trapped in a fake world; Isabella Greene

Ickonic - David Icke

David Icke dives deep into the AI Astral Plane of existence

Q&A with

David Icke, Isabella Greene, Lauda Leon and Christianne van Wijk

More information?


I have chosen not to make my explanation more complicated than strictly necessary and have therefore limited myself to the essence of what it is about. But guidelines such as “From the head to the heart” or “from 3D to 5D” only indicate the general scope; it doesn't define how this actually looks like.

“From the head to the heart” turns out to mean “Moving from the artificial Matrix personality (thoughts and emotions) to the creation consciousness in our heart (feelings)”.

“From 3D to 5D”: in essence the human is a multi-dimensional being, but upon arrival in the Matrix he is invaded through a multi-layered mind-control program through which he - once on earth - links his physical body with the imagined artificial reality and does not remember his creative powers. Our consciousness is split into 8 different layers. Our heart consciousness is the key to regaining access to our super-consciousness and opening the door to awareness of who we really are.

The Dutch author, Helma Broekman, states in her latest book Nieuwe Dageraad III on p. 342 about this:

"The dimensions of course tell the level of consciousness. ... However, we continue to insist that the upgrade to a so-called fifth dimension on your Earth is a false deception of the dark. All dimensions are nothing but manifestations of consciousness, and play out in everyone's inner world as soon as the inner awakening has begun!"

David Icke

Renegade; the life story of David Icke

A thousand words with ...

David Icke;  december '24

Mavis Louise

Awaken your true potential

Jean Nolan - Inspired Channel

The next stage of human awareness

For almost 35 years David has been trying to warn humanity about what is coming our way. The campaign to make it impossible for him to speak during a peace demonstration in Amsterdam and the ban that makes it virtually impossible for him to travel to other countries mainly shows how afraid the Deep State is of this man.

The resistance a person has to endure from those in power because of what they bring or what they stand for, mainly shows the need of those in power to make people look in another direction. A good researcher, however, does not get distracted and examines all aspects of the subject he is focused on.

Ickonic - David Icke

The art of a researcher; episode one


Below are the last three books by David Icke, which together form a trilogy. All his books

Status quo unmasked; David Icke & Sacha Stone
At 27 minutes the danger of Morgellons is mentioned; In my overview article “Age of Aquarius” I also talked about Morgellons. At 28 minutes you see a short fragment showing a shapeshifter; someone who can go from one dimension to another and can energetically change form.


When many people hear the name David Icke, they will think of the accusation of anti-Semitism attached to him. An accusation that makes no sense if you have delved into his ideas; One Love. He only talks about Kazarian Jews. I will elaborate on this further under the topic of Israel.

William Guy Carr

- Satanic New World Order -"Pawns in the Game"

- The Satanic agenda since 1776

1895 - 1959. He had a career as a Canadian naval officer, including an active role during World War II; in that time he worked also for the Canadian Intellegence Service.

After 1931 he began to give lectures about the plan within secret societies for a New World Order (NWO). Creating three world wars was an important part of realizing this plan. So WW-III is still in the making.


In 1955, the book "Pawns in The Game" (text) was published, in which the plan for a New World Order is fully described. In 1957 the book "The red fog over America" ​​followed. His last book, “Satan; Prince of this world,” was published posthumously in 1966. The text was edited by his eldest son based on the manuscript and notes he had left behind.

Milton William "Bill" Cooper

CNN Interview full length;1992;    timeless!

In his position with the United States Naval Intelligence Briefing Team, he was given unlimited access to documents classified as “top secret.” After leaving his position at the Intelligence Service, Bill at one point breaks his silence because he believes that citizens have the right to hear the truth about a master plan to take over the world.


In 1991 he published his book "Behold a pale horse". Cooper wrote in the book’s opening pages “Unless we can wake the people from their sleep, nothing short of civil war will stop the planned outcome”.

And further: "Nearly all that has been told to you is illusion. If you think shadowy forces are pulling the strings, it is because they are. Don’t trust anybody and be on guard. Citizens must soon fight for what they hold dear."

He writes about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the war on drugs, the “Shadow” government, UFOs, etc. In 2001 he was killed during a gunfight, exactly in the manner he had indicated as most likely.

Warning: the edition currently being sold is a shortened version. Older editions have 500 pages. These also included the Protocols of Zion.

Michael Talbot


Arguably his most famous and most significant is The Holographic Universe (1991), which examines the increasingly accepted theory that the entire universe is a hologram; the book remains in print and highly discussed today.

Marcel Messing 

Besides being a seer, he is an erudite scientist (Dutch). He saw the WTC building collapse before his eyes years before it actually happened. And he was aware of the enormous implications this would have for the world. In 2006 his book "Are we waking up" was published and in 2011 "The master of the End Times". His latest book "De grootste omwenteling aller tijden" (The greatest revolution of all time) was published at the end of March 2024. When asked, his publisher indicated that some of his books will be (again) translated into English in the near future.

More books

To underline the importance of Marcel Messing as an author, below is the text on the back cover of his latest book "De grootste omwenteling aller tijden"  in English:

"A great suffering hits the Earth. More and more people are starting to see that there are not only visible forces at work that want to realize a new world order through chaos, but also invisible ones. Our freedom is at stake. Ethics are long gone, as is insight into dharma (cosmic law) and other wisdom teachings. “The disease of ignorance” (the Buddha) is everywhere.

Marcel Messing believes that without knowledge of occultism, esotericism (once called 'the queen of science') and especially gnosis, world history cannot be understood. He shows that conspiracies exist and that the greatest revolution of all time has begun.

After the p(l)andemic Covid-19, the power elite wants to wipe out a large part of humanity via 'disease X'.

There is a diabolical war going on against divine creation, the human soul and all living beings on Earth. If we allow this war against Love, the inner path of liberation is blocked and 'the cloth of light' can no longer be 'woven' (Cathars), the Buddha nature or 'Christos in us' can no longer be realized, unless...

Unless we rely on the incredible power of the heart. Then we are absolutely not powerless, because the dark forces are afraid of the Light. If we expose their great crimes, the Light will be our support. What can help us in this regard is the wisdom of great teachers such as the Buddha and Yeshua (Jesus) and ancient wisdom texts from East and West. Messing especially emphasizes the mystery of the Christ and the Christ light."

Marcel Messing is an anthropologist, philosopher and author.


English Podcasts:


The Darma; the cosmic law; English subtitled

With Lilou Mace

Hidden knowledge & coming into consciousness

With Bill Ryan

Project Avalon

Oracle Girl


(Stephen & Theresa)

- Intro Dr. Jacqueline Hobbs (Oracle Girl) May 14 2020

- Podcast The Shift , on May 15 2020

Pausa entre mundos

Jacqueline-Oracle Girl; part 1 (16-08-2020) en part 2 (23-08-2020)

On her website there is an Events page where you can register via donation for the various "Events", all of which are intended to activate your own "Source Connection" and "Self healing ability" using her signal in a certain frequency. Furthermore, it is about restoring the "Gold Frequency" and in combination with it, dissolving your "Slave Self".

The Reboot group twice a week forms the basis from which you can register for other "Events". She describes this "Event" as follows:

"Personal purifications. Physically re-enter this reality in quadrality minus the slave self. Embody your own purity via your own source connection and your own self healing ability. Live the timeline of the positive future where there are no interdimensional energies controlling you and false identities, family patterns and personal issues simply melt away."


If anyone wants to try such a Reboot track (about 20 minutes), I can recommend Fear for the future with additional explanation in Intensify 12. (40 minutes). It's about fear and how to deal with it. At the beginning of the track "Fear for the future" there are quickly two moments of silence. When it comes to frequency fields, silence is part of it; it is not the same as transmission of information. Just let it sink in.


All previous Oracle Girl events can later be found in the Library and can be ordered from there via donation. All of the events and materials are for personal use only.

You will receive an MP3 track directly by email; For an event you will receive a watch link by email. Donations are given voluntarily. This can be from 0.00 to whatever you want; the choice is completely yours.

Read further: The Great Awakening

Invitation based on algorithm

December 2024

As humanity, we are engaged in a "war" for our consciousness. And yes, then it is obvious to set the algorithm in such a way that websites such as Bakens van licht and Beacons of light, which are about awareness, are not displayed in the search results.


I would therefore like to invite everyone with their own website to include a link to my website if you think that other people can benefit from the insights that I share via the two websites Bakens van licht and Beacons of light. In this way, the algorithm can be circumvented. After all, it is not for nothing that it is said about this time that everything will come to light.