Double deception
The image of a cuckoo chick, the ultimate deceiver, is of course not chosen at random. This page contains successively four topics that are an extension of each other. Based on this you can form an image of how the game of deception is played:
Planets; influence
The role of the Media
In recent years, more and more people have “woken up”. They have come to see that there are many things that are not right in the picture of the world as it is presented to them. Alternative media has taken on the role of informing people about what is really happening. As long as the media - old or new - mainly portray the two sides of a conflict, they unconsciously serve the Deep State's goal of keeping people divided; in duality. In addition, there is a good chance that you will continue to look over the layer that underlies this.
The question is how this deception has been able to nestle in our society. This is where the cuckoo chick comes in! David Icke indicates in "The alternative media hijack" that the role that the new media have now taken on distracts from what is important.
I can follow David Icke's commentary on the alternative media perfectly. I also miss the view of the bigger picture in the alternative media. Every measure is assessed on its own merits and there is a lot of analysis of what motivated a politician or the government to propose or implement a certain measure. I myself watch less and less because it is clear to me that politicians - the good ones excepted - know what they are doing; they just no longer work for the population, but have - for whatever reason - aligned themselves with their party or with the plan for a New World Order; which of these two it is depends on the degree of awareness. This is the double deception; they give the impression that they have the best interests of the people they represent at heart while at the same time carrying out an agenda that is diametrically opposed to this.
I would like to add the caveat that in practice politicians - even if they wanted to - cannot do much about this because they are tied hand and foot once the Grand Orient Masons / international bankers have gained control over the national currency. Chapter 5 American Revolution in the book Pawns in the game gives a good picture of how this has worked in terms of the dollar. As a result, the actual power has shifted from the government to the international bankers. A country without control over its own currency is no longer a democracy.
My advice is to determine for yourself what you think the intended outcome is based on the plan for a New World Order for various measures from politics. Below I give some concrete examples to illustrate how this approach works for me. I am of course basing this on measures taken by the Dutch government, but I assume that it will not differ much from the policy pursued in other countries.
Listen to how David Icke takes this approach when it comes to the outcome of the US election: The US election result; what it means. For more clarity on the intended outcome of the vaccination campaign, see: Transhumanism.
In the piece about the New World Order I have already highlighted these two measures:
The abandonment of the gold standard by ending the Bretton Woods monetary agreements on 15 August 1971 and the introduction of the euro on 1 January 2002. These two measures have brought the intended outcome of total financial control a lot closer. We were and are led to believe that the euro would only bring us advantages because trade barriers would disappear.
Before the introduction of the euro, a single-income household could simply buy a house with their salary in guilders. When the euro was introduced, this currency had a value of approximately 2.20 in Dutch guilders. In the meantime, salaries have risen considerably, but the value of the euro has fallen so much due to the enormous inflation caused by unlimited money creation - made possible by the abandonment of the gold standard - that even double-income households can hardly buy a house. If you compare the current price of a cup of coffee with the price in guilders at the time, we have all clearly become a lot poorer.
For total financial control, it is necessary to phase out cash in the near future; paying for cash withdrawals could be a next step in that direction. But first, Bitcoin will probably be restricted. This digital currency cannot be created infinitely and therefore represents a certain value. Furthermore, transactions via Bitcoin cannot be properly checked. This currency therefore forms an ideal escape route that must be cut off if the plan for a NWO is to have a chance of success.
If you assume the intended outcome that the government also wants total control over the housing market, then the recently introduced rental and tax rules are also completely understandable; renting out a home is no longer interesting for landlords and they put these rental homes up for sale. And then the intention is to introduce tax measures such that homeowners no longer have an advantage over people who rent a home, etc.
Recently I saw a broadcast on one of the alternative channels about the consequences of ULEZ (ultra low emission zone) in London. People who want to enter London with a less clean car have to pay a fee every time they enter this zone. The fines for not paying this tax are high. This measure has major financial consequences for small businesses as they will be required to purchase a cleaner vehicle if they want to enter the city.
Because most electricity is not generated sustainably at all, it makes no difference to emissions in practice. If you assume that the intended outcome is a 15-minute city, an “extra low emission zone” is an obvious intermediate step to get people used to the idea that a government can establish and enforce rules on the basis of which it can be determined who can and cannot enter an area.
And as crazy as it may sound, the measure to reintroduce the wolf in in a small country like the Netherlands is linked to this. Of course, the intended outcome is initially to discourage livestock keeping. But another effect will of course be that people who want to go out will choose to stay in "safe" areas because they would rather not come face to face with a pack of wolves. Imagine the impact on exhaust emissions if dog owners all have to move their dogs to a different location because their nearby dog walking area is home to a pack of wolves. But the same applies to parents who, for safety reasons, drive their children to school; schools that decide to no longer take the class into nature, etc.
The Deep State also operates as a power bloc while constantly creating the appearance of two different opposing camps. Countries such as China, Russia or Iran have previously been taken over by infiltrated secret societies and transformed into a totalitarian (Reptilian) controlled regime. The goal of the Deep State is to undermine the Free West on all fronts in such a way that control from “above” is also realized in these countries. Putin is also one of the WEF's young global leaders. The WEF is not a club where you can just leave.
But within countries and institutions individually, the political game of deception is played in the same way.
During this conversation with someone who held a high post at the United Nations for about 20 years, it becomes clear what is going on at this institution. In the book "Pawns in the game", published in 1955, in the chapter "The downfall of Napoleon", there is a text that clearly shows how long this has been going on:
Page 53
The importance of what Trotsky says lies in the fact that the accusations he made regarding the evil influence of Grand Orient Masons within the League of Nations applies equally to the bad influence they have in the United Nations to-day. The student who studies to-day's happenings in the United Nations will see their handiwork especially in regard to strange policies which just don't make sense to the average man-in-the-street. But these strange policies become extremely clear if we study them to see how they will further the long range plan of theWorld Revolutionary Movement (W.R.M.)
To do this we only have to remember one or two important facts: First, that the Illuminati consider it necessary to destroy all existing forms of constitutional government, regardless of whether they be monarchy or republic; Second, that they intend to introduce a World Dictatorship just as soon as they consider they are securely in position to usurp absolute control. M.J. Marques had this to say:
"The centre of the International Freemasons is at Geneva. The offices of the International Masonic Association are at Geneva. This is the meeting place of delegates of nearly all the forms of Masonry throughout the world."
And yes, the WEF is also located in Geneva. What a coincidence!
Individual countries:
Every election promises change. And that change is also being realised, but in most cases in a completely different direction than might have been expected. This documentary by Alex Jones is about the "change" that Barack Obama has brought.
David Icke explains the process clearly in these videos, one recorded before the elections announced by Rishi Sunak and the other after: UK Election called for July 4th and Now I'll show you what I mean by "Change".
The Spider's web in action:
If you look at how things are going in politics, you cannot help but notice that year after year, nothing significant changes. All the wars waged in recent years to “bring democracy” had to do with hegemony. Sadat had a plan for Arab unity with an Arab currency linked to it and Gadafi wanted to achieve African unity with an African currency linked to it. This nieuwsitem of Redacted News about how Cobalt is being mined in Congo by indigenous people shows how things are going. By using intermediaries, everyone can wash their hands in innocence.
I wrote the above paragraph a year or so ago. In the meantime I have gained new insights and when I reread this text my Illuminati sensor immediately went red! When a country under a charismatic leader starts doing too well, this can pose a threat when the implementation of the New World Order (NWO) is on the agenda. There may then no longer be any strong, independent countries that can stand in the way of the final implementation of the NWO. The Illuminati therefore ensure that the country in question falls back into chaos; usually by making the leader of that country extremely black by spreading a web of lies so that the country and leader can be tackled under false pretenses.
On the other hand, it is clear that the US government has been completely taken over and is completely controlled by the Illuminati in the background. The plan is to further weaken the dollar through the enormous costs of these wars and wars yet to be created. Because the Illuminati (international bankers) have forced that they have control over the creation of money, they can tighten the noose even further by rapidly increasing the gigantic mountain of debt of the US. It looks as if the US is the aggressor, but in fact the country is being attacked from within. The same tactics are being applied within the European Union and its affiliated countries. Ultimately, these countries are the target. They are allowed to exhaust themselves in the coming wars until they themselves are ripe for slaughter. For the Illuminati, all victims are merely "Pawns in the game"; the number of victims clearly plays no role when determining the strategy to be followed.
I would like to point out that a third world war between Israël and the Arab Islamic countries is part of the plan for the NWO. Below is the text relating to this in the Introduction, of Pawns in the game. So there must be a separate goal attached to this war.
Page XII
"World War Three is to be fomented by using the differences the agentur of the Illuminati stir up between Political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world. The war is to be directed in such a manner that Islam (the Arab World incl. Mohammedanism) and Political Zionism (incl. the State of Israel) will destroy themselves while at the same time the remaining nations, once more divided against each other on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete exhaustion; physically, mentally, spiritually and economically. Can any unbiased and reasoning person deny that the intrigue now going on in the Near, Middle, and Far East isn't designed to accomplish this devilish purpose?"
It is clear that the WEF is working hard to make at least one promise come true: "You'll own nothing and be happy". I assume that through their corporations they now largely own the world and have arranged it in such a way that all debts will end up with the citizens and not with the banks, when the end of the dollar and the Euro has come. In the world they envision there will probably only be room for the "happy few"; those who accept the arrival of the NWO without resistance.
This book from John Perkins was first published in 2004. The third edition of this book blows also the whistle on China’s economic hit man (EHM) strategy, exposes corruption on an international scale.
This book and short documentary “Confessions of an economic hitman” makes it clear that it is no coincidence that “developing countries” do not develop! The hand of the Illuminati is also clearly visible in this approach.
At the end of chapter 12 of his book Satan (1966), William Carr wrote the following about this:
P. 140
If a president, or other top level politician slips into office unexpectedly, he or she is silenced one way or another. Presidents not amenable to control by the agentur of the Illuminati are assassinated. Senators who are uncooperative are either blackmailed, smeared, or liquidated. There are hundreds of cases on record to illustrate exactly what I mean. Lincoln, Kennedy, Forrestal, and McCarthy are just typical examples in America; Lord Kitchener, Chamberlain, and Admiral Sir Barry Domvile in England. The recent murders in Iraq were all part of the same ruthless and diabolical conspiracy to destroy all governments and religions, and to bring about a One World Government, the powers of which the High Priests of the Luciferian ideology intend to usurp.
At the very end of the topic about John F. Kennedy, America's last president, is a documentary whose greatest common denominator is the expansionist policy of Zionism; a group that is part of the "Cult".
John F. Kennedy
The Kennedy family is also part of 13 Illuminati bloodlines. Brothers Robert and John were raised within that ideology and must therefore most likely have been aware of the plan for a New World Order (NWO). John and Robert ultimately opted for a policy that was diametrically opposed to what the "Cult" envisioned.
In turn, the "Cult" had built in the necessary security in advance by insisting that JFK choose Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) as his vice president. That was a Zionist par excellence, who after Kennedy's death reversed much of what Kennedy had accomplished.
Creating WWII was part of the Cult's plan for the NWO. The goal was for the Kazan Jews, originating from Central Europe, to be able to settle in Palestine. I will discuss this further in the next topic of Israel. I have previously wondered how it was ensured that Zionist Jews were transferred to safe areas before the outbreak of WWII.
Until I came across Operation Texas in the context of LBJ; an operation in which a large number of Jews were allegedly brought to safety by LBJ before the war without the US government's official knowledge.
In the documentary below "Israel's second 9/11", at 1:41 hours, the book "America's last president" is mentioned; this book is published in 2022. After Kennedy, there have only been presidents of the Cult in the US. And let me be clear, Trump also belongs in that list. The fact that he chose to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem during his first term in office was already a sign on the wall.
And his plan to annex Greenland and Canada to the US cannot be separated from the globalist agenda. Below are some recent videos that relate to what we can expect from Trump in the long term.
In this documentary JFK talks about the role that secret societies play on the world stage at 1.32 hours.
Israel's second 9/11; how Zionism conquered JFK, America and Palestine
David Icke is someone who has been warning people about what is about to happen for about 35 years. All this time he has been serving as a beacon of light for humanity. In What’s really happening in Israel he paints a clear picture of how the parties in the conflict between Israel / US and Hamas / Iran constantly pass the ball to each other in order to let the conflict get out of hand to such an extent that WWIII cannot be avoided. It is time that we as humanity look through duality and no longer allow ourselves to be played because we have come to realize that we are one.
In Israel's fake history from 2016, David indicates that the Kazarian Jews who emigrated to Israel after the two world wars originally came from Central Europe and therefore do not belong to a Semitic language group. Their “return” to Israel is based on a lie. In the video he refers, among other things, to these books on this subject:
Arthur Koestler
The thirteenth tribe; the Khazar empire and its heritage
Prof. Shlomo Sand
The invention of the Jewish people
The invention of the land of Israël; from holy land to homeland
The group of Khazarian Jews (Zionists) does not have a Semitic origin and this specific group can be held responsible for the anti-Semitic sentiment that has arisen in various countries due to their mala fide practices. I leave it to everyone to form their own opinion as to whether a link between anti-Semitism and Zionism is justified. If this becomes the norm, it would seem that any criticism can be nipped in the bud in advance. But of course that cannot be true in a democratic constitutional state? See also: Antisemitism agenda and the protocols of Zion with the informative series Khazarian mafia.
For me, however, the big picture only became complete when I "found" two videos about the "Sabbateans" (or Ashkenazi; based on the Babylonian Talmud in which they show their true colors. They are the masters of deception. And if they are exposed, they can get away with a lie. For me it is not a question if, but when this cuckoo chick will show its true face. Let me give you another glimpse of the veil; the Sabbatean orthodox faith is linked to the same god as that of ancient Babylon and also that of the Old Testament: Baal / Moloch, Jaldabaoth / Satan; a god who demands "blood sacrifices" from his followers.
The information in these videos is not easy, especially if you have hardly done your own research. Almost everything we think we perceive is reality in reverse.
The videos contain disturbing images. Above all, use your own judgment as to whether or not you want to watch these videos. The world will not be helped by more anger and fear!
In particular, the images about kosher slaughter at the beginning of “You are Amalek” are too gruesome for words. I now understand Marcel Messing better when he talks about “rivers of blood”.
In the meantime, I have come a year or so further and have come to the insight that there is no difference made between the treatment of cattle and people. People are also/are being ruthlessly slaughtered if this serves the intended purpose.
The architect - 2023; part 1 + 2
You are Amalek; part 1 - 3.
Further background information
This documentary provides an image of Palestinian society before and after the arrival of the Jewish people.
Palestine 1920; the other side of the story
Below two reports of what happened on October 7, 2023 and the subsequent reaction of Israel towards the Palestinian population in Gaza.
October 7; Al Jazeera Investigations
How did October 7th happen? Ben Swann
David Icke on Trump's announced policy regarding Gaza and Israel's expansion policy, based on what is recorded in the OT on this subject.
The influence of stars and planets
As for Israel, I would like to briefly touch on the influence of the gods in the form of the various heavenly bodies (planets); the subject area of astrology. It cannot be a coincidence that the name Israel contains the names of three gods: Is-Ra-El; the Egyptian gods Isis, sun god Ra and the Canaanite god El. The game of deception is certainly not foreign to these gods, as evidenced by this story about how Isis got Ra to reveal his secret name.
I thought that Ra as a sun god was the representative of the "light bringer" Lucifer, the planet Saturn and the Canaanite supreme god El stood for the god and planet Jupiter. But in this video (from 1.19 hours) it is explained that the god El represents Lucifer; the planet Saturn. In any case, it becomes clear how deeply the Luciferian ideology is rooted in our society.
I assume that the Kazarian Jews / Zionists chose the name Israel in order to gain support from these three gods in carrying out the plan to establish a New World Order and Luciferian world religion. Be aware that that by pronouncing the name Israel, these 3 gods are also invoked.
The choice of the Zionist/Kazar Jews for the name of the Canaanite god El can be seen in the light of how Jacob deceived his firstborn twin brother Esau of his rights as firstborn. The story goes that the descendants of Esau eventually moved to Central Europe via Canaan and that from there the Kazar empire arose.
In Homer's book "the Iliad" the origin and course of the Trojan War is described and the role of the Olympian gods is clearly presented. It makes clear that the pantheon with all the different gods is certainly not a homogeneous group and that gods can choose a different side during conflicts.
There can also be a power struggle among themselves. The Olympian gods under Zeus came into power after they had dealt with the Titans, of whom their father Kronos was the chief god. Kronos in turn had previously dethroned his father Uranus. I will not go into this any further.
The image on the right shows how the goddess Aphrodite removes the Trojan warrior Paris from the battlefield in front of Troy when he is in danger of being defeated during a battle with the Greek king Menelaus.

My point is to make it clear that the "gods" still have a number of scores to settle with each other during this End Time. They will primarily look out for their own interests as the balance within the Matrix continues to be disrupted as more and more people begin to remember who they really are.
As long as we don’t become aware of this, these “gods” can color our thoughts and emotions and prevent us from facing our demons. In this way, they can continue to drain our energy and ensure that we remain in duality and do not find the way to neutrality from an expanded consciousness.
The different cultures that followed each other in antiquity often had similar pantheons. Certain gods in those pantheons were sometimes depicted in the form of a bull. For me, the question is what exactly those 2 bulls on the can of Red Bull with that celestial body in the background stand for. When it comes to the End Times, the influence of the "gods" / planets will certainly play a role in the whole event. I associate the red and blue on that can with the Hopi prophecy about the "blue & red star Kachina".
It is good to be aware of the influence that the stars and planets have when it comes to events on the world stage and in our daily lives. As an example, below is a video with an analysis of which 4 gods / planets will act as the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse. The message is to pay special attention to the different codes and symbols, such as bijvoorbeeld the Ferrari logo with the black horse.


Below is a conversation between Lauda Leon and David Block about the old gods who represent darkness and chaos. This Matrix is focused on control and creating chaos is at odds with that. That is why the new gods are doing everything they can to keep us away from the old gods. See also: Astral world.
Antisemitism agenda
After the above explanation by David Icke, it was clear to me that the Jewish Rothschild and Rockefeller families are among the initiators of everything that has now been set in motion through the WEF. But it completely escaped me how deeply Jewish ideas and beliefs are now anchored in our society. Any critical comment in that direction is immediately dismissed as anti-Semitic and something like denying the Holocaust is outright prohibited in most Western countries. And efforts are now underway to also link the use of the term Zionism to anti-Semitism and make it a punishable offense.
On November 7, 2024, the Israeli club Maccabi Tel Aviv played an away match against Ajax Amsterdam. The riots that occurred mainly after the match were attributed by the mainstream media and politicians worldwide to Palestinian youth and to an extremely increased "anti-Semitism". Their opinion was clearly at odds with the report and the images that the two sole journalists present had taken of the event. The whole event actually only raises questions:
Why were the police conspicuously absent after the match to keep things on track? Why were none of the well-known mainstream media on site to report on the events after the match? How is it possible that the municipality also blindly accepted the incorrect interpretation of what had happened, while the Amsterdam police had witnessed it firsthand and were aware of what had really happened. Although I do not rule out that Palestinian youth have also not been left untouched by all the violence and racist slogans, unilateral measures such as a ban on demonstrations and other repercussions against Palestinian youth do seem rather disproportionate to me.
The antisemitism card is increasingly being played and unfortunately history shows that a desired incident sometimes falls out of the sky as if by magic. The intended outcome is easy to guess:
Enshrining in law that governments may take all necessary measures to nip all expressions of "anti-Semitism" + anti-Zionism in the bud; such as demonstration bans; combating "misinformation" by restricting/taking social media and websites offline, banning political parties, tackling people with undesirable views, etc. The reactions below give a clear picture of what to expect if the government and the mainstream media linked to it can control the flow of information. Expect that by then any information relating to the genocide in Gaza will be dismissed as anti-Semitic.
After the football match Maccabi Tel Aviv - Ajax on 07-11-24:
We live in a time when the truth is increasingly coming to the surface. But also at a time when the truth can increasingly be covered up and manipulated through AI.
Mel Rentmeister Lies; you won’t know what to believe; february 2024
More and more people will no longer close their eyes to what is happening in the world. The time of the Rainbow Warriors is coming. Because in their minds there is only room for love, peace, unity and truth, on that basis they will create a new world in which there is no place for war and violence.
“There will come a day when people of all races, colors, and creeds will put aside their differences. They will come together in love, joining hands in unification, to heal the Earth and all her children. They will move over the Earth like a great Whirling Rainbow, bringing peace, understanding and healing everywhere they go.”
Page added at the end of 2023 and further supplemented when there was reason to do so.
Read further: Dark night of the soul Beginning with this sentence::
"To reassure you, the End Times - just like Dark Night of the Soul - does not mean the end of the world."
Invitation based on algorithm
December 2024
As humanity, we are engaged in a "war" for our consciousness. And yes, then it is obvious to set the algorithm in such a way that websites such as Bakens van licht and Beacons of light, which are about awareness, are not displayed in the search results.
I would therefore like to invite everyone with their own website to include a link to my website if you think that other people can benefit from the insights that I share via the two websites Bakens van licht and Beacons of light. In this way, the algorithm can be circumvented. After all, it is not for nothing that it is said about this time that everything will come to light.


